Evaluation 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

. The media institution that I wish to publish my magazine is Bauer Media as it publishes many music magazines and popular magazines targeted at the same target audience and age group as me. Some of the most famous music magazines, which they distribute, and 'Q' and 'Kerrang!' Also because they are well known for producing and creating many professional and successful media products, like music magazine. I think they would help my magazine sell if it were to be in the stores as Bauer Media have a very good representation overall for creating magazines and especially a lot of music magazines. The magazine 'Q' especially relates to my magazine and its style because it is targeted at teenage girls and young adults. I took inspiration from ‘Kerrange’ Magazine from how the magazines front cover is always quite busy and has a lot of different colours involved, which makes the magazine very eye catching. My magazine would be available to buy online, in supermarkets and news agents.


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