How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my target audience by including a lot of artists that they would be interested in. I created a survey on the website 'Survey monkey' including questions about music, age groups, colours, layout and artists to find out what type of audience I was looking at and what types of attributions they would like to see. As well as finding out what type of music and artists my target audience liked, I found out that they would like a busy front cover, which fills up the page and includes a lot of information about what’s inside. I also found out that some of the most popular colours to include were red, black, purple, yellow and blue, so I tried to incorporate them, especially on the front cover to make it stand out and come across appealing to the target audience. Most of the other factors I incorporated were from the response of the survey, but I also took into account how other magazines in the industry, which were aimed at the same audience and included similar content looked, because I wanted to see what is and isn’t effective. I took a bit of inspiration from the contents page I looked at with Katy Perry, as it includes one picture of her with a white background and the contents down the side. I thought this looks very effective, so I decided to use it as inspiration for mine. I also attracted my audience by including a few competitions and games for fun, because the results from my survey showed that that’s what teenagers would like to see. I first approached doing this by including an IPad giveaway on the front cover, to attract the target audience because it is bold and an IPad is a very popular gadget with this age group. I also included a lot of images because teenagers really like to see a lot of images and not have to read through pages of text, because it could get very boring for them.
- This shows that I have included an IPad giveaway on the front cover, which has a bright yellow flash behind it to make it stand out.
- You can also see that there is quite a lot of information on what is featured inside the magazine.
- I also used a lot of the colours which my target audience asked to see.
- The colours are all very bright and fun
- I have also attracted my audience by making the magazine a reasonable price (£2.99). As teenagers don't have a lot of money, I thought that making it this price would mean that they can afford to bye the magazine.
- You can also see that I decided to just use a white background because I didn't want to make it too busy as I already had the colourful font and I wanted the test to still stand out.
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