Test Shots

I didnt use this photo because I decided that I wanted Stacie to be looking at the camera in this type of shot.

I didnt include this photo for the obvious reason that her head got choped off!
I decided to not to include this photo because I couldnt find a way to fit it into my double page spread, which is where I was planning to use it. I think thats because it it quite long and I think this image looks better in portrait than landscape.

I didnt include this image because I took a few photos very similar to this, and this just wasnt may favourite out of the ones I took. I also think it is a bit blury compared to the others, which I think came out a bit sharper.

I didn't use this image because I couldn't find a suitable place to put it in my magazine. I was originally planning to put it on my double page spread or my contents page.

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